Monday, March 26, 2007


Just got back from Mooloolaba. Tired now. Plane was late. Bloody Qantas. Caught a taxi rather than face the trains. Rip off. Bloody taxis.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Shave photos

As promised, my head has been shaved. I hope you enjoy the photos.

We don’t know yet exactly how much money we raised, as there are still people at work we need to collect donations from, but as a rough estimate I’ve made about $500 and Simon’s made about $350. Thanks to everyone who has supported us.


Friday, March 16, 2007

The shaving has started

Although we decided we would be doing the shave tomorrow, Simon and I couldn't wait to get started, so we did part of Simon's head tonight. Check out the photos here. We're not sure when the rest is coming off, as Simon quite likes it as it is now. He's thinking about keeping for work on Monday and maybe even for our trip to Mooloolaba next weekend. My hair is due to come off tomorrow at 11am.

My Shave Page

Simon's Shave Page


Monday, March 05, 2007

Waterskiing weekend

On the weekend we went to Brisbane especially to go waterskiing. When we were there at Christmas time, for one reason or another (too tired, rain) we didn't go, so we made a special trip before the warm weather runs out. I'm glad to say that we can both still waterski, after about a year since the last time we went, but we were both a bit rusty.

We skiied on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. By the end of Saturday, we were both fairly confident again, but I didn't feel quite as at ease as I used to.

The other highlight was that my mum came out in the boat on Sunday and she successfully got up and had a ski (on two skis), in spite of a sore knee. She was crossing the wake and everything! It's only the second time she's had a (successful) ski in the three years my parents have had the boat, and it was the first time I was there to see it.

Shortly after they got the boat, on her first attempt, she was injured very badly and that put her off trying for quite a while. Her comment after yesterday's successful attempt was that she wants to try skiing with a single ski soon. When she was younger she almost exclusively skied with one ski and so it just feels wrong for her to use two. Unfortunately, it's quite a bit harder to get out of the water with only one ski. I should know, as it took me ages to get the hang of it!
