Friday, July 06, 2007

Noosa Triathlon and other events

I've been slack with my posting lately. There's been lots of stuff I probably should have mentioned but haven't. Here's a bit of an update of triathlon related stuff anyway.

First and foremost, I just entered the Noosa Triathlon. Entries opened today and seeing as this year is the event's 25th anniversary, it's expected to fill up fast. It takes place on November 4 and will be my first Olympic distance (1.5/40/10) event.

Noosa won't be my first big event though. I'm planning to do the Quarterman (0.95/45/10.5) event at this year's Gold Coast Half Ironman. It's on September 30 and entries opened yesterday. I haven't signed up yet as it's not likely to sell out as fast.

Now for one of those things I should have blogged about already but didn't. Last Sunday (July 1) was the Gold Coast Marathon where I completed the 10km run. I was hoping to finish in under an hour, even though I had never done 10km in this time in training. On the day, the adrenalin did the trick and I finished in 55:46!
