Monday, September 24, 2007

Race report from Aurora, Colorado

Today (Sunday, here in the USA) I competed in the Colorado Wild Women duathlon. It was a 5km run, a 12 mile ride and then the 5km run again. The main thing is that I finished it. I guess there shouldn't have been much doubt about that, though I was a bit worried about how much harder it might feel because of the effects of altitude. They were noticeable but not too extreme.

Overall, it went pretty well. I did learn one important lesson: don't do things differently in a race than you do in training because it might save time. At the start of the ride, when I went to mount my bike, my left pedal was closer to the ground so I clipped my left foot in first rather than spin the pedals around 180 degrees to put my right foot in first as I ALWAYS do. When I went to take off, I guess I was leaning slightly to the left, as I would normally do, and I toppled over. Anyway, with a grazed knee and a grazed elbow, I got up and took off. It was then I realised that my bike seat had been knocked out of alignment and my bike computer sensor had been knocked away from the wheel. I was able to fix the seat a bit, but I wasn't game to try and fix the sensor next to my front wheel lest I lose fingers in the spokes. So I rode the whole way with a slightly skewed seat (more uncomfortable than usual) and with no indication of speed or distance. At least my brakes weren't knocked because I would have had to stop and fix them if they'd been rubbing on my wheels.

Other than that, the ride went well. I overtook quite a number of people and not many people overtook me. I even overtook people going up hills, which I was pretty proud of.

The second run, of course, felt a lot harder than the first, but I ran the whole way. My overall time was 1:43:03 (a bit better than I expected) and I came 7th out of 14 in my age group.

The highlight of the race had to be the food afterwards. I've never seen (or heard of) such a post race spread: bagels (a variety of flavours with a variety of spreads available), grapes (green and rad), bananas, cookies (again, a variety) and drinks. The only thing missing in my opinion was ice cream, but I got myself some of that when I got back to my hotel :)

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Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sight seeing so far around Denver

Here in Colorado, it's almost 9pm on the Saturday of my first weekend. I won't go into any details of the last week of work, that's boring. I can recount the limited amount of sightseeing I've done so far.

As work is not actually in Denver, it's in one of the outer suburbs, last night I went into the city centre for the first time. I went with a couple of finance people from work (one from Brisbane, one from here). Brendan, the other engineer from Brisbane, didn't come, he was too tired. We went in on the light rail, and then basically wandered along Denver's equivalent of Brisbane's Queen St Mall or Sydney's Pitt St Mall(16th St Mall I think it's called). Much the same really. We got back to the hotel about 11ish. I had already ruled out doing the triathlon I had been going to do this morning, as I have a really sore foot. I wouldn't have gone out last night if I was going to do it.

However, I was planning to go swimming and riding this morning. I wasn't sleepy when I got back (I haven't kicked the jet lag yet). I thought I would just read a chapter of the final Harry Potter. However, I was too close to the end of the book for that and I couldn't put it down until I finished, which happened shortly before 4am. Silly Vivien.

Anyway, no swimming or riding for me. I had to hand over the car keys to Brendan at about 9 (I had them because I had been going to go to the pool). He needed to go for a drive to the John Deere dealership we visited yesterday (an hour and a half away) because he left his laptop in their tractor. He hadn't realised until he went to use it after we were back at the office. Oops!

While Brendan was away, I took the opportunity to do my laundry. When he got back, we went out and got lunch (at 2-2:30). Then we thought we should go somewhere but had no idea where. I remembered I had seen an ad for a brewery in Boulder on the web page of the triathlon I couldn't do this morning. Luckily, I remembered the name correctly, because when I entered it into the GPS in the car, it knew where it was. So that's where we went. We got there about 3:50pm, to find that they had a tasting bar (free tastes) which closed at 4pm, last drinks at 3:55. Just made it! The beer was very good though, Belgian in style. One of their beers is 16.4%! It's called The Beast. Anyway, although it was a quick visit, it was something that both Brendan and I could enjoy (not easy to find such things, the two of us having very little in common). We both bought a couple of beers for later too.

Then we went into the Boulder town centre where the pedestrian mall is. A couple of things we noticed about Boulder: there are lots of bikes and there were lots of people wearing Colorado University Buffaloes gear. I think the "Buffs" are the football team and I'm pretty sure they have a game tonight against FSU, Florida State University I think (saw people in their gear too).

After wandering up and down the mall, we went to the Mountain Sun bar & brewery (recommended by the guy at the first brewery) where we had an earlyish dinner and one of their beers. Pretty nice also. We then headed back to the hotel.

I couldn't really go in search of the big triathlon store in Boulder on this trip. That would have been unfair on Brendan. Hopefully, I will get a chance to go back after Brendan leaves, and then I can go in search of the tri-culture that I've heard is big in Boulder.

We haven't worked out where we'll go tomorrow. I'm planning to ride in the morning (I've drawn myself a map of the local area and planned a route and everything). After that, I'm not sure where we'll go or what we'll do. Maybe Brendan will think of something. After all, I came up with the brewery idea.

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Monday, September 10, 2007

G'day from the USA

My work (yes, that job I've been in for less than 2 months) has sent me to the USA. I'm in Denver, Colorado (well, on the outskirts anyway). I'll be here for 5 weeks, though during that time I'm supposed to go to a training course in Michigan for 3 days (if it doesn't get cancelled).

I probably should have mentioned that I was coming here sooner, but given my history of work trips not eventuating, I decided to wait until I actually made it.

Regular readers of this blog may have noticed that 5 weeks from today overlaps with a previously mentioned engagement, namely the Quarter Ironman triathlon at the Gold Coast on September 30. Alas, I have to miss that race, but at least I'll be getting back 3 weeks before Noosa. Also, I've brought my bike over here with me so I can train, and if I'm really lucky, I'll compete in a couple of races here.

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