Monday, September 18, 2006

Sightseeing weekend with the parents

My parents arrived in London on Thursday (14th). Alas I had to work that day and Friday too. I saw them in the evenings though. On Thursday night, I cooked dinner. On Friday night we went out to eat and ended up with very lousy pizza (soggy base).

On Saturday, Genevieve and Damien were yet to return from their 14-day tour of Europe (about which Gen posted all of twice on her blog). So, there were just three of us. Mum and Dad have hired a car, so we made use of that and drove to Oxford. We didn't drive all the way into town, but rather made use of the park and ride service. This is where you park your car (for free for up to 3 days) and you just pay a couple of pounds to catch the bus into town. Not a bad deal, especially since there was a traffic jam on the way into town.

After Oxford we went to Stratford-Upon-Avon. We didn't have a huge amount of time so we decided to just visit Shakespeare's childhood home, and not any of the four other buildings or sites of Shakespearean significance.

On Sunday, Mum and Dad and I met up with Gen and Damien and their friend Mark for our visit to Buckingham Palace, our "Royal Day Out" as it were. It included the Queen's Gallery, the State Rooms and the Royal Mews. Some pictures:


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